This Month in Feminist Troll Submissions
August 7th-August 31st
All of these printed responses have actually been submitted to these actual breakdowns. (Along with a HS/resume/reel) I will keep you updated if I ever receive feedback, or get a callback. Because I am dying to be a Live Feminist Troll. #fingerscrossed
Laura Winters, 23, White. I am definitely a "good girl." Heck, I don't even need the quotes! I am just a GOOD GIRL through and through. I don't cheat, smoke, and I don't drink, unless a glass of white wine with my ladies counts (Guilty!) Do all men cheat? Does the sun rise in the morning? Does the moon pull in the tide? Do pigs get slaughtered for bacon? yes Yes YEs YES! Stripping respectable? Um, heck no. That is like somebody's DAUGHTER on the pole. Daughters should be cherished not naked.
Hello! If you are looking for an actress with the IT factor you have found her. I have IT. Undeniably. Whatever IT is. I have IT. I'm beautiful but I'm also a heartbreaker - that's where the cold comes in. My RBF is pretty much unchallenged. When I charge through the streets of Manhattan, catcallers who are first enticed by my beauty - they see my RBF and are shocked into silence by my coldness. I also once dated a Michael and have experience both acting and being a Michael's girlfriend.
Female Lead Role (18-25) lead role of the girl who empathizes with the main character -an idealistic young man who embarks on a mission to bring the world to an end. The girl empathizes with the main character and follows him. Any level of English proficiency is accepted. Note: If selected you will need to live in character for a period of time before filming.
Behind every apocalyptic man is an empathetic woman To empathize? To follow? These are the desires of my female heart. With its every beat I search for the man whose goals will supersede my own. It will be his vision of the world - o! That glittering oyster of perfection and chaos! - to which I will bow and willfully accept. For his eyes will see what I cannot. His hands will build what I do not dare. His words will change what I cannot alter. A requirement to live as this character?
I already do.

I am comfortable with on screen kissing. I should be cast in this role because I am a woman who speaks volumes with my "facial expression, body language, and eyes." Often, my boyfriend and I don't even need to say anything, we just stare at each other across a dimly-lit restaurant table, and I know exactly what he's thinking (and exactly what he's going to order). Often, he can even order FOR me based on how I move my shoulders.
But, just to be clear, I can also communicate with my body in brightly-lit scenarios, such as a park - like the park Sarah will be walking through playfully and romantically. The light in the park will probably help accentuate my strong eyes.
I have a B.A. in theatre from Northwestern University.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Good afternoon!
Although I understand the role of "Sexy Vixen" is non-speaking, I just wanted to briefly outline some of my qualifications, just so you can get to know this potential Vixen better!
I graduated cum laude from Northwestern University with a B.A. in theatre and writing. While at Northwestern University I was cast as the lead actress in the school's first feature film (Rush) and sitcom (Sidekicked). Additionally, I was the lead of several productions: Diana (Next to Normal), Trina (Falsettos), Annette (God of Carnage). As the head writer of the 2014 Waa-Mu show I had the rare opportunity to play a character of my own creation: Pat Patterson (Double Feature).
In 2010 I was named the Illinois High School Association's State Champion of Dramatic Interpretation, after performing an 8-minute monologue from the perspective of a sexually abused drug addict.
Your breakdown specifically calls for actors with strong improvisational skills, and again, while "Sexy Vixen" currently probably doesn't need to improv with anything but her body, I thought I would share my speaking-focused improv credentials in case the role changes at all!
I recently finished the core 101-401 levels at UCB. I also completed improv levels 1-5A at iO Chicago. I am the co-creator of "Just Us" a wholly improvised YouTube web series about love in the digital age. I am currently a featured actress in Disrupt, a sketch comedy group that parodies Ted Talks and other tech conferences.
I have worked background on The Mindy Project, The Playboy Club and 90210.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hello! If you are looking for an actress with the IT factor you have found her. I have IT. Undeniably. Whatever IT is. I have IT. I'm beautiful but I'm also a heartbreaker - that's where the cold comes in. My RBF is pretty much unchallenged. When I charge through the streets of Manhattan, catcallers who are first enticed by my beauty - they see my RBF and are shocked into silence by my coldness. I also once dated a Michael and have experience both acting and being a Michael's girlfriend.
Female Lead Role (18-25) lead role of the girl who empathizes with the main character -an idealistic young man who embarks on a mission to bring the world to an end. The girl empathizes with the main character and follows him. Any level of English proficiency is accepted. Note: If selected you will need to live in character for a period of time before filming.
I already do.

But, just to be clear, I can also communicate with my body in brightly-lit scenarios, such as a park - like the park Sarah will be walking through playfully and romantically. The light in the park will probably help accentuate my strong eyes.
I have a B.A. in theatre from Northwestern University.
I look forward to hearing from you!
[Sexy Vixen]
mid 20's Hottie with a body. A head turner that all men n notice walk into a room. NO LINES. But will be featured heavily and receive IMDB credit.
Good afternoon!
Although I understand the role of "Sexy Vixen" is non-speaking, I just wanted to briefly outline some of my qualifications, just so you can get to know this potential Vixen better!
I graduated cum laude from Northwestern University with a B.A. in theatre and writing. While at Northwestern University I was cast as the lead actress in the school's first feature film (Rush) and sitcom (Sidekicked). Additionally, I was the lead of several productions: Diana (Next to Normal), Trina (Falsettos), Annette (God of Carnage). As the head writer of the 2014 Waa-Mu show I had the rare opportunity to play a character of my own creation: Pat Patterson (Double Feature).
In 2010 I was named the Illinois High School Association's State Champion of Dramatic Interpretation, after performing an 8-minute monologue from the perspective of a sexually abused drug addict.
Your breakdown specifically calls for actors with strong improvisational skills, and again, while "Sexy Vixen" currently probably doesn't need to improv with anything but her body, I thought I would share my speaking-focused improv credentials in case the role changes at all!
I recently finished the core 101-401 levels at UCB. I also completed improv levels 1-5A at iO Chicago. I am the co-creator of "Just Us" a wholly improvised YouTube web series about love in the digital age. I am currently a featured actress in Disrupt, a sketch comedy group that parodies Ted Talks and other tech conferences.
I have worked background on The Mindy Project, The Playboy Club and 90210.
I look forward to hearing from you.
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